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Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
I am interested in Teaching.

Monday 19 November 2018

Assignment-3 : Unix and Shell Programming

1. Discuss ordinary and environment variables with examples.

2. Discuss .profile with example.

3. Discuss the here document (<<) and trap command with examples.

4. Explain set and shift commands used in Unix to manipulate positional parameters.

5. Discuss the following Unix commands (filters) with syntax and examples.
    cut, paste, head, tail

6. Write differences between hard link and soft link.

7. Discuss the sort command with syntax, options and examples.

8. Discuss umask and default file permissions with examples.

9. Discuss two special files /dev/null and /dev/tty with examples.


10. What is process? Discuss.

11. Explain the mechanism of process creation.

12. Explain the following commands.
      at, cron, nice and nohup

13. Discuss kill command with examples.

14. Explain find command with it's syntax, options and examples.

15. Discuss bg and fg command with examples.

Friday 2 November 2018

Questions for Assignment Test-2 USP on 04-11-2018 (Sunday @12:15 to 1:15)

Assignment Test-2 USP on 04-11-2018 (Monday Time Table on Sunday @ 12:15 to 1:15.......

1. Explain the different modes of vi editor with neat block diagram.

2. Explain what wild-card patterns match:
1) [A-Z]????*   2) *[0-9]*    3) *[!0-9]   4) *.[!S][!h]

3. Write the output of following Unix commands.
1) ls *.c   2) mv * ../ise   3) cp foo foo*   4) cp  ??????  progs   5) lp note[0-1] [0-9]
5) rm *.[!l][!0][!g]  6) cp  /home/cse/{A,B,C}  .

4. Discuss the three standard files supported by Unix.  (Standard I/O or Redirections)

5. Discuss Escaping and Quoting with examples.

6. What is grep command? Discuss with syntax, options, and examples.

7. Explain the test and [ ] with examples.

8. Write shell scripts for the following.

-A shell script to read pattern to be search and filename from the users from the terminal to apply grep command.

- A shell script to read pattern and filename to apply grep command using command line arguments.

- A shell script to display the following with appropriate messages.
Display system date.
Display user name of current user.
Display a list of users who are currently logged into the computer.
Display details of process in use.
Print current working directory.
Display shell in use.

GCD of two numbers and its application...

The greatest common divisor (gcd) of two numbers is the largest positive integer that divides both numbers without leaving a remainder. The ...