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Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
I am interested in Teaching.

Monday 26 December 2016

All the best!

Dear student,

         Good luck and all the best for USP annual examination.

Be confident and be cool; because you are going to do well in examination.

Read the QP slowly and decide about the questions to be attempt.

Better; try to attempt those answers first in which you are perfect.

In UNIX, first you need to explain the Topic; then write the Syntax with explanation of it; draw rectangle box around the Syntax written by you; then do not forget to give minimum 3 examples.

Write Question numbers clearly in the left shaded margin.

Use dark black ink ball pen.

Draw the figures wherever necessary.

After writing Shell and Perl programs draw rectangle box around them with output.

Remember the options of important Unix commands like ls, sort, grep, egrep, chmod, head, tail, cut, copy, paste, diff, comm, etc.

Your answers should be neat and spacious.

You have talents; prove it!.

Once again! good luck and all the best for annual examination!

C. S. Kusur

Thursday 22 December 2016

Important Unix commands for Annual Examination!

Dear student,
        You must know the use of following commands with syntax and minimum 3 examples. i.e. You need to explain the command with syntax and few examples.





ls with options









Working with directories:
mkdir   cd    cd ..   rmdir

Absolute and Relative Pathnames

Working with files:

cat    rm    cp   mv

rm options



od    cmp   comm   diff

File Permissions (Important)

ls -d

Absolute and Relative Permissions


$ chmod category operations permission filename(s);

User : user, group, others
Operation: assing(+) or remove(-)
Type of permission: (read, write, execute)

Few examples:

Absolute Permissions:
Table 6.2 : Sumitabha Das Author
Page . 113 (remember and write this table)

Few Examples:

$ chmod 666 filename

Directory Permissions

The vi editor:
The Three Model diagram

Input mode commands
Save and Exit commands of the Ex mode
Navigation commands

Pattern Matching: The Wildcards
 Explain above with examples

The * and ?

Matching the Dot

Use ls command to write examples for above options.

Escaping & Quoting

Redirections : (imp)
Standard Input
Standard Output
Examples with diagrams as given in notes.

pipe, tee

What is process? examples.

Parent and Child processes

ps with options (imp)

Mechanism of process creation
Fork, Exec, Wait

sort with options (imp)

nice, nohup, kill, bg, fg, jobs,

at and batch

cron and crontab (imp)

time: timing processes

Environment Variables


head, tail, cut, paste

grep: Searching for a pattern (imp)

grep options

few examples


few examples.

BRE(Basic Regular Expressions)

sed (The stream editor)
Few examples.

The Tagged Regular Expression(TRE)

read command

conditional statements, case statement, loop statements (vimp)

What is perl? Write structure of perl script. (imp)


Staring handling function in perl

The $_ and $.

Lists and Arrays

foreach, split, join

Associative arrays

Good luck for examination!

Note: Send your feedback to cs.kusur@gmail.com

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Programs to be practice to face USP Annual Examination of VTU, Belgavi.

1. Simple shell script to display 'Today's date' , 'This month calendar' and 'Shell in use'.
(Refer Page 271 Author: Sumitabha Das)

2. Shell script to read pattern to be search and input file name to apply the grep command.
(Refer Page 273 Author: Sumitabha Das)

3. Shell script to apply 'grep' command for the command line arguments.
(Refer Page 274 Author: Sumitabha Das)

4. Explain the following with shell program as example.
    1) The if statement 2) String Comparison 3) The case statement
    4) The while loop 5) The for loop

5. Explain the Structure of Perl Script with an example.

Send your feedback to cs.kusur@gmail.com

Diagrams to be practice in USP

1. The UNIX Architecture. (Neat diagram with explanation)

2. The Unix environments. (Neat diagram with explanation)

3. Features of UNIX. (List and Explain in brief)

4. The Unix File System Tree. (Neat diagram with explanation)

5. The vi editor i.e The Three Modes of vi editor. (Neat diagram with explanation)
    (Explain: Command mode, Input mode & Ex mode)

6. The Shell's Interpretive Cycle. (List the steps and explain in brief.)

7. Discuss 'process' and Parent-Child relationship with neat diagram.

Note: Send your feedback to cs.kusur@gmail.com

Sunday 4 December 2016

June/July V.T.U. Question Paper of USP 2016

Dear student,
    You are hereby requested to solve the questions from attached last year question paper on USP. You will get similar type of questions this semester too. All the best!.
Read...Understand...Recall...Are you able to recall without any reference?...then...you are going to get success in examination!.

Friday 2 December 2016

One must know the answers for at least these questions of USP

1 a.
What is UNIX? Describe the salient features of UNIX operating systems.
Explain different types of files supported by UNIX.

2 a.
With neat diagram, explain the architecture of UNIX operating system.
Explain with examples. i) Absolute pathname and relative pathname                                                        ii) internal and external commands.

3 a.
What are file attributes? Explain two ways to change the file permissions with example.
Explain the following commands in brief with examples. cat, cp, wc          

Q. Nos
1 a)
Discuss the three modes vi editor with commands.
Explain Escaping and Quoting with examples.
2 a)
Discuss pattern matching with wild-cards
Explain the Three Standard Files used for Redirection.
3 a)
Write a note on Unix utilities ‘grep’ and ‘egrep’
Explain in brief about the commands: pipe, tee and command substitution

Q. Nos
1 a)
What is shell script? Write a shell script to read pattern and file name to search from given input file using grep command.
Explain cut, paste and here document operator >> with examples
2 a)
Explain the while and until loop statements supported by UNIX with syntax and examples.
Explain sort utility supported by UNIX with examples.
3 a)
What is process in UNIX? Explain parent-child processes with example.
Discuss ps command with different options supported by UNIX.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Module wise most expected questions on 
"Unix and Shell Programming"

1. Explain in brief about "UNIX Architecture" with neat diagram.
2. List and explain 3 working UNIX environment.
3. Explain the following UNIX commands with minimum 2 examples.
    1. echo  2. calc  3. man  4. who  5. clear
4. What are internal and external commands? list and explain with examples.
5. Write short note on super user.
6. What are file attributes? Explain two ways to change the file permissions with example.

1. What is file in UNIX? Discuss the types of files supported by Unix.
2. Explain: absolute and relative path names.
3. Explain Directory handling commands supported by Unix. (pwd, mkdir, cd, rmdir)
4. Explain File handling commands (cat, rm, cp, mv, wc, od_
5. What is ls command? Explain with all options and examples.
6. Explain Directory permissions.

1. Explain 3 modes of vi editor with a neat diagram.
2. Explain Navigation commands used while working with vi editor.
3. Discuss the following commands.
    set, amp and abbr commands.
4. Discuss the the Shell's Interpretive Cycle.
5. What are grep and egrep commands? Explain with examples.
5. Explain the following commands.
     pipe and tee
6. Explain the Three Standard Files used for Redirection.
 7. Discuss pattern matching with wild-cards
1. What is shell script? Write a shell script to read pattern and file name to search from given input file using grep command.
2. Explain the conditional statements supported by UNIX with syntax and examples.
3. Explain case statement supported by UNIX with general format and example.
4. Explain the while and until loop statements supported by UNIX with syntax and examples.
5. Explain sort utility supported by UNIX with options & examples.
6. What are file links? explain hard and soft links.
7. Explain Escaping and Quoting with examples.
8. Practice Shell Programs from Sumitabha Das authour text book.

1. What is process in UNIX? Explain parent-child processes with example.
2. Discuss ps command with different options supported by UNIX.
3. What are cron and crontab files? Discuss.
4. What are nice and nohup commands? Discuss.
5. Explain bg and fg commands.
6. What is PERL programming? Discuss its importance.
7. Explain structure of Perl Script.
8. Discuss string handling functions supported by Perl Scripts.
9. Explain default variables $. & $_
10. Explain list and arrays supported by Perl.
11. Discuss splice and join commands.

Dear student,
  Good luck for the forthcoming Annual Examination.
  To score good marks, you need to follow the following tips.
1. You need to write correct answer for the asked question instead of writing unnecessary things for example for the question What is your name? You need to write the following answers.
My name is John, or My full name is John K. Henry or Introduce more about you.But, do not write like My name is ____ (name is missing)
2. First, you need to increase quality, then quantity of quality.
3. Minimum one page answer for any of the question.
4. If, question carry 5 marks then minimum 2 pages with 2 examples.
5. If, question carry 10 marks, then minimum front/back 4 pages with examples.
6. Wherever necessary, draw figure with figure and labels.
7. Write minimum 3 examples for each UNIX command. If you do not write examples, then you loose marks.
8. Practice Shell and Perl programs from the text book of Sumitabha Das author.
9. Yes, you are intelligent, go ahead, reach your goal, "your future is bright do not spoil it" said by V.T.U.
10. Whatever you write, write neatly with correct question number.
11. Do no compare yourselves with others! instead compare yourself with your last performance!.
12. Move the examination hall with Hall Ticket, ID card, Blank ink ball pen and compass box.
13. Write your V.T.U. no. correctly on answer booklet.
14. Yours sign and supervisor sign is must on answer booklet.



Good Luck!

Yours Teacher

Mr. C. S. Kusur
Asst. Prof. Dept. of CSE
BLDEA's V. P. Dr. P. G. H. College of Engineering and Technology, Vijayapur.

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