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Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
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Wednesday 11 December 2019

VIVA VOCE Questions for C Programming Laboratory of first year engineering course.

Name input devices.

Name output devices.

Can you tell me the difference between Primary and Secondary memory?

Can you tell me the difference between RAM and ROM?

What do you mean by LAN, WAN and MAN?

What is bit or byte?

What are C tokens? give examples.

What is a variable?

What is a constant?

What is the difference between variable and constant?

What is stdio.h?Why do we include in C file?

What is stdlib.h?Why do we include in C file?

What is the difference between simple if, if else, nested if and else if ladders statements?

What is the difference between while, do while and for loop statements available in C?

What is the difference between break, continue and goto statements?

What is one dimensional array? Why do we use being a programmer?

What is two dimensional array? Why do we use being a programmer?

What is string?

Can you name some string handling functions available in C?

What is the difference between strcmp() and strncmp()?

What ASCII stands for?

What is the ASCII value of A and a?

What is user defined functions?

What are actual and formal parameters?

What is the difference between call by value and call by reference methods?

What are storage classes used in C? Name them and tell the difference between them.

What is structure?

What is the difference between array and structure?

What is nested structure?

What is typedef?

What are pre processors?

Name the types of preprocessors.

What are the advantages of pre processors?

What are compiler control directives?

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Important questions to be practice for VTU main examination on Functions, Pointers, Structures and Preprocessor (I semester B.E.)

Four Categories of Functions based on arguments and return value with examples.

Differences between call by value and call by reference.

Actual and formal parameters

What is recursive function? Write a recursive function to find factorial of N.

What is structure? Discuss the definition of structure, declaration and initialization of structure variable with syntax and examples.

Discuss the different ways to define structure and structure variables with examples.

Discuss the nested structure  and typedef with examples.

What is pointer? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What are preprocessors? list and explain with examples.

What is dynamic memory allocation? List and explain in brief about memory allocating functions.

Write C program to read and display one students information (Roll No, Name, USN and Marks)

Write user defined function isprime(n) that read n and return 1 if it is prime number; otherwise 0

Write C program to find standard deviation of n floating point numbers using pointers.

Write a c program to swap the contents of two variables using pointers.

Note: Do not forget to send your feedback about this blog. to cs.kusur@gmail.com

GCD of two numbers and its application...

The greatest common divisor (gcd) of two numbers is the largest positive integer that divides both numbers without leaving a remainder. The ...