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Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
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Sunday, 26 February 2017

PCD Assignment-II

1. Explain in brief about 'STRUCTURE OF C PROGRAM' with programming example. (1+2+2+2=7m)
Distribution of marks:
What is structure of C program= 1m,
Explanation of all parts=2m,
Programming Example=2m, Total=7 marks.
Write this answer twice, if you are not confident; otherwise, once in assignment book.

2. What are C-tokens? List and explain in brief with examples. (1+1+6=8 marks)
Distribution of marks:
What are C-tokens= 1m,
Explanation of all=6 X 1 m=6m
Total=8 marks.
Write this answer twice, if you are not confident; otherwise, once in assignment book.

3. Write the rules for defining identifiers/variables with valid and invalid examples for each rule. (2.5+2.5=5 marks)
Distribution of marks:
Minimum 5 rules = 2.55m,
Valid and Invalid Examples for each rule=2.5m
Total=5 marks.
Write this answer twice, if you are not confident; otherwise, once in assignment book.

4. What is variable? How do you define(declare) and initialize? Explain with syntax and examples.
(2+3+3=8 marks)
Distribution of marks:
Definition of variable = 2 m
Declaration of variables= Syntax+Explanation+Examples=3m
 Initialization of variables= Syntax+Explanation+Examples=3m
Total=8 marks.
Write this answer twice, if you are not confident; otherwise, once in assignment book.

5. Design and Develop C programs for following. (5 x 5=25 marks)

C program to find largest of two numbers using simple if statement.
C program to find largest of three numbers using simple if statement.
C program to find largest of two numbers using  if else statement.
C program to find largest of three numbers using if else statement.
C program to check, whether the year is leap year or not leap year.

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