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Friday, 31 March 2017

PCD Assignment-III

1. What are loop statements? List different types of loop statements supported by C language.

2. Discuss "while" loop with syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

3. Write C programs for following using "while" loop.
     To display 1 to n natural numbers.
     To display Squares of 1 to n numbers.
     To display multiple table of 'n' in multiple table format.
     if n=2,
             2 x 1 = 2
            2 x 2 = 4
           2 x 10 = 20

     To find sum and average of 1 to n numbers.
     To find factorial of n number.
     To check, whether the entered number is Palindrome or Not Palindrome.
     To find GCD of two numbers using Euclid's algorithm.

4. Discuss "do ... while" loop with syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

5. Discuss "for" loop with syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

6. Write the differences between break and continue statements.

7. What is goto statement? Discuss with programming example.

8. Write C programs for the following
    To check, whether the number is PALINDROME or NOT PALINDROME.
    To check, whther the number 'n' is PRIME or NOT PRIME.
    To display first 'n' fibonacci numbers.

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