Know the following:
What is while loop?
What is do-while loop?
What is for loop?
What is break statement?
What is continue statement?
What is goto statement?
What is an array?
What is 1D array?
What is 2D array?
What is string?
What is user defined function?
What are the differences between call by value and call by reference methods?
What is recursive function?
What is structure?
How to define structure and structure variables?
What are the differences between structure and array?
String handling functions.
Important programs for the practice:
To check, whether the number is Palindrome or not palindrome.
To find factorial of 'n' number.
To find sum and average of 1 to n numbers.
To check, whether the number 'n' is prime or not prime.
To find length of string without using built-in function.
To read and display Students Information(roll no, name, marks) using structure variable.
Write user defined function to find factorial of 'n' i.e. fact(n)
Write recursive function to find factorial of 'n' i.e. fact(n)
Write user defined function to find factorial of 'n' i.e. isprime(n)
C program to swap contents of two variables using user defined function using call by reference method.
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