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Monday, 18 December 2017

Model Question Paper "PCD" Odd Sem. 2017-18

Module 1

1. What is pseudocode? Give any two examples.

2. What are c tokens? list and explain in brief.

3. Write 'structure of c program' with programming example.

4. What is variable? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

5. Write rules for defining identifiers(variables) with example for each rule.

6. What are datatypes? list and explain in brief.

7. What are formatted I/O functions? List and explain with syntax and examples.

8. Discuss the following c operators with examples.
    relational, logical, conditional, increment/decrement

9. What is type conversion(typecast)? Discuss different types with examples.

10. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find largest of 3 numbers.

11. Write c programs for following
      To find simple interest
      To find area and perimeter of rectangle
      To swap the contents of two variables using temporary variable.
      To swap the contents of two variables without using temporary variable.


1. What are conditional (decision making/branching) statements? discuss the following with syntax and examples.
simple if, if else, nested if, else if ladder

2. Discuss 'switch' statement with syntax , flowchart and programming example.

3. Discuss the following with syntax and examples.


do while


4. Write differences between break and continue statements.

5. Write c programs for following
    To find largest of three numbers.
    To check year for leap year.
    To check, whether the number is PALINDROME or not.
    To find factorial of N.

1. What is 1D array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

2. What is 2D array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

3. What is string? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

4. Discuss the following with syntax and examples.

strlen    strcpy   strncpy   strcmp    strncmp    strcat    strncat    strrev   strlwr    strupr

5. Discuss elements of user defined functions

6. What are actual and formal parameters? Discuss with examples.

7. Discuss the parameter passing mechanisms. Call by value and call by reference

8. What is recursive function? give programming example.

9. Discuss storage classes used in C.

10. Write C programs for following
    To find length of a string
    Function to check, whether the number is prime or not prime
    Function to swap the two variables using call by reference


1. What is structure? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

2. Discuss arrays of structure with syntax and examples.

3. What is typedef statement? Give examples.

4. How to define, open and closing a file discuss with syntax with examples.

5. Discuss file handling I/O functions with syntax and examples.

1. What is data structure? List different types.

2. What is stack? Discuss its operations with figures and write its applications.

3. What is queue? Discuss its operations with figures and write its applications.

4. What is linked list? Discuss with examples.

5. What are preprocessors? Discuss the types of pre processors with examples.

Wish you all the best!

Your answers must be neat and correct.

Send your feedback to cs.kusur@gmail.com or send the feedback form.

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