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Monday 29 October 2018

Assignment-II C Programming for Problem Solveing

Module 2

1. What are control statements? List.

2. What are conditional statement? List.

3. What is simple-if ? Discuss with explanation, syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

4. What is if else statement? Discuss with explanation, syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

5. What is nested if statement? Discuss with explanation, syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

6. What is else if ladder statement? Discuss with explanation, syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

7. Discuss switch statement syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

8. What are loop statements? List.

9. Write differences between while and do while loop.

10. Discuss for statement with syntax, flowchart and programming examples.

11. Write c programs for the following.

To check, whether the entered year is leap year or not leap year.

To find largest of three numbers using nested if statement.

Fo find largest three numbers using else if ladder.

To simulate simple calculator to perform arithmetical calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by using switch statement.

To provide the following menu option to work accordingly.
1. Area of circle
2. Area of rectangle
3. Area of triangle
Enter your choice:

Module 3

1. What is one dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

2. What is two dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

3. Write C programs for following

To find largest and lowest of N numbers using 1D array.

To implement linear search technique.

To implement binary search technique.

To find addition of two matrices by checking for their compatibility.

To find multiplication of two matrices by checking for their compatibility.

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