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Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
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Monday, 31 December 2018

Questions to be practice for Third I.A. CPS I Sem. G Division.

  1. Discuss elements of user defined functions with examples.
  2. Discuss the categories of functions with examples.
  3. What is recursive function? Write recursive function to generate first N fibonacci numbers.
  4. What are actual and formal parameters? Give Examples.
  5. Discuss the differences between call by value and call by reference with examples.
  6. Discuss the different ways to define structure and structure variables with examples.
  7. What is structure? Discuss the definition of structure, declaration and initialization of structure variable with syntax and examples.
  8. Discuss the nested structure  and typedef with examples.
  9. What is pointer? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
  10. Write C program to read and display N students information (Roll No, Name, USN and Marks) using array of structure.
  11. Write user defined function isprime(n) that read n and return 1 if it is prime number; otherwise 0.
  12. Write function to swap two variables using call by reference method.
  13. Write C program to find standard deviation of n floating point numbers using pointers.
  14. Write a C program to sort N values using user defined function.

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