Write Quicksort algorithm. (both quicksort and partition)
Apply quick sort algorithm for given values 10,45,25,15,75,5,12,20 and draw state space tree.
Discuss stressen's matrix multiplication technique with example.
Discuss 'Decrease and Conquer' algorithm design technique with examples.
Write differences between divide and conquer & decrease and conquer.
What is topological sort?Write its advantages.
Discuss 'DFS' and 'Source Removal' Techniques with example for topological sort.
Discuss 'General Plan' behind greedy technique with coin change problem as an example.
Discuss 'knapsack problem' with example. (Greedy Technique)
Write Prim's and Kruskal's Algorithms.
Give examples for both Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms.
Write Dijkstra algorithm.
Apply Dijkstra algorithm for the graph G={V,E}.
(Note: Take two graphs. directed and undirected graphs)
Discuss Job Sequencing with example.
Discuss Huffman Coding technique with example.
Write Dijkstra algorithm.
Apply Dijkstra algorithm for the graph G={V,E}.
(Note: Take two graphs. directed and undirected graphs)
Discuss Job Sequencing with example.
Discuss Huffman Coding technique with example.
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