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Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Assignment-3 SAN (Storage Area Networks) 7th Semester A Division (C. S. Kusur)

Answer any 5 of the following.

1. List and explain the four security goals of information security environment.

Availability and

2.  Discuss Risk Triad in brief.

1. threats
2. assets
3. vulnerabilities

3.  With neat diagrams explain storage security domains.

a) Application access
b) Management access
c) backup, replication and archive

4. Discuss about the security implementations in storage networking.

a) Securing FC SAN Environment
b) Securing NAS Environment
c) Securing IP-SAN Environment

6. Discuss the monitoring the storage infrastructure with monitoring parameters and components.

Monitoring Parameters
a) accessibility
b) capacity
c) performance
d) security

Monitoring components
1) Hosts 2) Networks 3) storage

7. List and discuss the following monitoring parameters

1. Accessibility monitoring
2. Capacity monitoring
3. Performance monitoring
4. Security Monitoring
5. Alerting of events by alerts

8. Write short note on "Alerts".

9. List and discuss the storage infrastructure management activities.

Availability Management
Capacity "
Performance "
Security "

10. Discuss Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) with its key benefits.

11. Discuss the challenges for consumers and providers of cloud computing.

12. Write short note on  IP-SAN security implementation in storage networking.

13. Discuss the cloud adoption considerations.

14. Discuss in brief about cloud computing infrastructure.

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