Block diagram of a computer with explanation of each part in brief.
List of input devices with explanation in brief about each.
List of output devices with explanation in brief about each.
Generations of Computers
Types of Computers
What is computer network? list its advantages.
Write differences between LAN, WAN and MAN
Discuss network topologies (bus, star, ring and mesh) with diagram and examples.
Do not forget to send feedback or comment.
Structure of a c program with programming example.
C-tokens (list and explain in brief)
What is identifier? Discuss rules for defining identifiers with valid and invalid examples for each rule.
What is variable? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
What are formatted input and output functions(scanf and printf)? Discuss with syntax and examples.
What are unformatted input and output functions? Discuss with syntax and examples.
List and discuss the following operators with explanation and examples.
increment and decrement
Conditional operator
Bitwise operators
Special operators (comma and sizeof)
What is typecast(type conversion)? Discuss implicit and explicit type conversions with examples.
Write c programs for following.
To find simple interest (algorithm, flowchart, pesudocode, program)
To find area and circumference of a circle (algorithm, flowchart, pseudocode, program)
To find area and perimeter of rectangle.
To find area of triangle by reading breadth and height of it.
To find area of triangle by reading 3 sides of it (a,b,c)
To swap to values using temporary variable.
To swap to values without using temporary variable.
Do not forget to send feedback or comment.
Discuss the following conditional(decision making/selection/branching) statements with syntax, flowchart and examples.
simple if
if else
nested if
else if ladder
Discuss the following loop statements with syntax, flowchart and examples.
do while
Write differences between while and do while statements.
Write differences between break and continue statements.
Discuss the following storage classes used in C with examples.
automatic variables
global variables
static variables
register variables
To check for leap year
To check, whether the number N is even or odd number.
To check, whether the number is PALINDROME or not.
To find factorial of N
GCD and LCM using Euclid's algorithm.
To print first N fibonacci numbers.
Do not forget to send feedback or comment.
What is one dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
What is two dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
What is string? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
Discuss all string handling functions with syntax and examples.
Bubble sort
Linear search
Binary search
Sum and Avg of N numbers
Find maximum and minimum of N numbers
Do not forget to send feedback or comment.
Discuss the 3 elements of user defined functions with syntax and examples.
Discuss categories of function with examples.
What are actual and formal parameters?Discuss with examples.
Discuss parameter passing mechanism. (call by value and call by reference)
What is recursive function?Give example.
Function to check for prime number.
Function to find length of a string.
Do not forget to send feedback or comment.
What is structure?Discuss declaration of structure and structure variable with syntax and examples.
What is array of structure?Give programming example.
What is nested structure?Give example.
Discuss structures and functions with example.
What is pointer? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
What is dynamic memory allocation? Discuss memory allocation functions like malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), fee().
What are pre-processors? Discuss three types with examples.
Swap two values using pointers.
Standard deviation
C Program to print Pascals Triangle (Click below link)
Note: Send your feedback to or Write comments.
Block diagram of a computer with explanation of each part in brief.
List of input devices with explanation in brief about each.
List of output devices with explanation in brief about each.
Generations of Computers
Types of Computers
What is computer network? list its advantages.
Write differences between LAN, WAN and MAN
Discuss network topologies (bus, star, ring and mesh) with diagram and examples.
Do not forget to send feedback or comment.
Structure of a c program with programming example.
C-tokens (list and explain in brief)
What is identifier? Discuss rules for defining identifiers with valid and invalid examples for each rule.
What is variable? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
What are formatted input and output functions(scanf and printf)? Discuss with syntax and examples.
What are unformatted input and output functions? Discuss with syntax and examples.
List and discuss the following operators with explanation and examples.
increment and decrement
Conditional operator
Bitwise operators
Special operators (comma and sizeof)
What is typecast(type conversion)? Discuss implicit and explicit type conversions with examples.
Write c programs for following.
To find simple interest (algorithm, flowchart, pesudocode, program)
To find area and circumference of a circle (algorithm, flowchart, pseudocode, program)
To find area and perimeter of rectangle.
To find area of triangle by reading breadth and height of it.
To find area of triangle by reading 3 sides of it (a,b,c)
To swap to values using temporary variable.
To swap to values without using temporary variable.
Do not forget to send feedback or comment.
Discuss the following conditional(decision making/selection/branching) statements with syntax, flowchart and examples.
simple if
if else
nested if
else if ladder
Discuss the following loop statements with syntax, flowchart and examples.
do while
Write differences between while and do while statements.
Write differences between break and continue statements.
Discuss the following storage classes used in C with examples.
automatic variables
global variables
static variables
register variables
To check for leap year
To check, whether the number N is even or odd number.
To check, whether the number is PALINDROME or not.
To find factorial of N
GCD and LCM using Euclid's algorithm.
To print first N fibonacci numbers.
Do not forget to send feedback or comment.
What is one dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
What is two dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
What is string? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
Discuss all string handling functions with syntax and examples.
Bubble sort
Linear search
Binary search
Sum and Avg of N numbers
Find maximum and minimum of N numbers
Do not forget to send feedback or comment.
Discuss the 3 elements of user defined functions with syntax and examples.
Discuss categories of function with examples.
What are actual and formal parameters?Discuss with examples.
Discuss parameter passing mechanism. (call by value and call by reference)
What is recursive function?Give example.
Function to check for prime number.
Function to find length of a string.
Do not forget to send feedback or comment.
What is structure?Discuss declaration of structure and structure variable with syntax and examples.
What is array of structure?Give programming example.
What is nested structure?Give example.
Discuss structures and functions with example.
What is pointer? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
What is dynamic memory allocation? Discuss memory allocation functions like malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), fee().
What are pre-processors? Discuss three types with examples.
Swap two values using pointers.
Standard deviation
C Program to print Pascals Triangle (Click below link)
Note: Send your feedback to or Write comments.
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