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Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Assignment-1 C Program for Problem Solving II Semester "A" division

Discuss "Structure of a computer system" with neat diagram.
Diagram= 2 m
Explanation of Input unit: 2 m
Explanation of System Unit: 4 m
Explanation of output unit: 2m 
Total= 10 marks.

Discuss "Generations of Computers" with minimum 6 differences.
Minimum 6 differences with examples. 6 x 2 =12 marks

Discuss the types of computers with few points about each type.
List of types = 2 marks
Explanation of all with minimum 3 points about all= 8 marks

List input devices and explain minimum 4 points about each.
List=2 m
Explanation= 3 m

List output devices and explain minimum 4 points about each.
List=2 m
Explanation= 3 m

Discuss "Structure of C Program" with all programming example.
Structure= 2m
Explanation of Declaration Part= 1m
Explanation of Preprocessor Part= 1m
Explanation of Global Part= 1m
Explanation of main function= 4m
Explanation of user defined function=1m
Programming Example= 5 m
Total=15 marks.

What are C-tokens?List and explain in brief.
Explantion=6 m
Total=9 marks.

What are identifiers? Write rules for defining identifiers with valid and invalid examples for each rule.
Minimum 5 rules= 2 x 5 =10 m
Total=12 m

Write C programs for following.

To calculate simple interest.
To find area and circumference of a circle.
To find area and perimeter of rectangle.
To find area of triangle by reading its breadth and height.
To find area of triangle by reading 3 sides of it.
To convert temperature reading from fahrenheit to celsius.
To find largest of two numbers using simple if
To find largest of two numbers using if else

My notes is available in Pixel Print zerox centre with previous year question papers.
Reading my notes is not compulsory. My notes will be act as reference for you.
Dear students, read VTU recommended books, read - understand - represent in your own sentences with quality points.
This preparation helps for IA and VTU main exam.
This preparation must be as if you are preparing for IA or VTU main exam.
You can write answers in ruled pages or notes book or assignment books.
Even you can submit zerox copies to me by retaining original copy with you.

All the best...for first IA.

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