Dear students,
You are hereby informed to follow the following instructions to get good marks in Practical Examinations.
Wear the formal and decent dresses on the practical examination day!
Do prayer and move towards exams.
Be calm and healthier on that day.
Move to laboratory with HALL TICKET and JOURNAL (Observation notebook)
NOTE: Do not enter the lab with CHITS or MOBILE PHONE on the examination day.
Be polite with all the staff members in laboratory.
Be positive and be confident.
First, fill all the academic details on answer sheet correctly.
First, complete the write up work and show to examiners.
Then, start the machine.
Give appropriate file name with dot C extension.
Do not forget to save the file after every modification, Press F2 in between
Remember the filename.
Remove the errors by your own and save the file.
Check the CHITS near by your bench and if found, inform the staff members.
You should not have any other chits or mobile phone with you.
Once, you execute the C program, call examiners and show the output for different set of inputs.
Then, write outputs in your answer booklet.
You will be called for Viva-Voce at any time, be ready...
Most commonly asked Viva Voce Questions are as follows.
What is computer program?
What is software?
Types of Software.
Name input devices.
Name output devices.
Say about computer generations.
Say about types of computers.
Types of computer's memory.
Difference between LAN, MAN and WAN.
What is algorithm?
Step by procedure to solve a given problem to get desired result.
What is flowchart?
Diagrammatical representation of algorithm.
What is pseudocode?
False Code: Combination of natural English language and Programming language.
What is the difference between variable and constant.
How to swap two values using temporary variable?
How to swap two values without using temp variable?
What are keywords?
What are data types?
What is operator?
What is expression?
What is precedence and associativity of operator?
What is BODMAS?
What are increment and decrement operators?
What are bitwise operators?
What is conditional operator?
Can you name operators supported by C?
What is compiler?
What is stdio.h?
What is math.h?
Why do we compile the program?
What is scanf()?
What is printf()?
What are I/O functions?
Name formatted I/O functions.
Name input functions available in C.
Name output functions available in C.
Why? do we include stdio.h include our C program.
Name decision making (conditional) statements available in C.
Can you tell me the differences between simple if, if else, nested if, else if ladder and switch.
Name loop statements available in C.
Can you tell me the differences while, do while and for loop statements.
What is the difference between break, continue and goto statements?
What is an array?
What is bubble sort?
What is linear search?
What is binary search?
What is 1D array?
What is 2D array?
What is function?
Types of functions.
Categories of functions.
Recursive functions.
Storage classes used in C.
difference between automatic, global, static and register variables.
What is an structure?
What is array of structure?
Difference between array and structure.
What is a string?
Can you tell me the drawback of arrays?
Can you tell me the difference between arrays and structures?
Name string handling functions and their use.
What is user defined function? Can you tell me advantages.
Name parameter passing mechanisms.
Difference between call by value and call by reference
What is pointer?
What is DMA?
Ans: Dynamic Memory Allocation.
It allocates memory during program run.
We use calloc(), malloc() to allocate the memory during program run.
free() de allocates the memory.
Conclude the Viva Voce with smile and Say Thank you to teachers.
All the best!......
Practice all 11 from Part -A
Part-B....Any simple programming question will be framed by teachers.
It is a helpfull sir thank u sir
It is a helpfull sir thank u sir
Helpfull sir thank u sir
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