1. What are file permissions? Discuss the two ways of changing files permissions with examples.
2. Explain chmod command with syntax and examples.
3. What are directory permissions? Discuss with examples.
4. Write the default file permissions in UNIX and explain.
5. Write the default directory permissions in UNIX and explain.
6. Write the Unix commands to set the following file permissions by using both Relative and Absolute methods for the following files.
-rw_rwxr_x file1
-_w_rwx_wx file2
7. Write the Unix commands to set the following file permissions by using both Relative and Absolute methods for the following directories.
drw_rw_r_ _ CSE
dr_xrwx rw _ ISE
8. Discuss the three modes of vi editor with neat diagram.
9. Discuss Navigation Commands used in vi editor with examples.
10. Discuss the commands used for "Editing Text in vi editor".
11. Discuss about "searching and replacing patterns in vi editor"
12. How to configure the vi environment. Discuss the commands. (set,ab,map)
13. Write short note on ".exrc" file.
1. Discuss the steps involved in "Shell's Interpretive Cycle".
2. List and explain with examples about "wild card characters" used with filenames in Unix.
3. Discuss "removing special meaning of wild cards" with examples.
(Escaping and Quoting)
4. What is redirection in Unix? Discuss three types of redirection with neat diagram and examples.
(three standard files)
2. Explain chmod command with syntax and examples.
3. What are directory permissions? Discuss with examples.
4. Write the default file permissions in UNIX and explain.
5. Write the default directory permissions in UNIX and explain.
6. Write the Unix commands to set the following file permissions by using both Relative and Absolute methods for the following files.
-rw_rwxr_x file1
-_w_rwx_wx file2
7. Write the Unix commands to set the following file permissions by using both Relative and Absolute methods for the following directories.
drw_rw_r_ _ CSE
dr_xrwx rw _ ISE
8. Discuss the three modes of vi editor with neat diagram.
9. Discuss Navigation Commands used in vi editor with examples.
10. Discuss the commands used for "Editing Text in vi editor".
11. Discuss about "searching and replacing patterns in vi editor"
12. How to configure the vi environment. Discuss the commands. (set,ab,map)
13. Write short note on ".exrc" file.
1. Discuss the steps involved in "Shell's Interpretive Cycle".
2. List and explain with examples about "wild card characters" used with filenames in Unix.
3. Discuss "removing special meaning of wild cards" with examples.
(Escaping and Quoting)
4. What is redirection in Unix? Discuss three types of redirection with neat diagram and examples.
(three standard files)
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