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Saturday, 23 September 2017

PCD Assignment 2 for II sem 'K' division students

1. Discuss the following loop statements with syntax and programming examples.
     while, do while and for

2. Discuss the following loop interrupt statements with syntax and programming examples.
    break and continue

3. Discuss goto unconditional statement with syntax and example.

4. Write differences between while and do while loop statements.

5. Write differences between break and continue statements.

6. What is one dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

7. What is two dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

8. What is string? Explain its declaration and initialize with examples.

9. Explain all string handling functions with examples.

Write c programs for following.

To find factorial of 'n' using while loop.
To find factorial of 'n' using do while loop.
To find factorial of 'n' using for loop.
To find largest and lowest of n numbers.
To check, whether the number 'n' is prime number or not prime number.
To sort 'n' numbers in ascending order by using bubble sort technique.
To implement linear search technique.
To implement binary search technique.
To find addition of two matrices.
To find multiplication of two matrices.

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