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Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
I am interested in Teaching.

Monday 31 December 2018

Questions to be practice for Third I.A. CPS I Sem. G Division.

  1. Discuss elements of user defined functions with examples.
  2. Discuss the categories of functions with examples.
  3. What is recursive function? Write recursive function to generate first N fibonacci numbers.
  4. What are actual and formal parameters? Give Examples.
  5. Discuss the differences between call by value and call by reference with examples.
  6. Discuss the different ways to define structure and structure variables with examples.
  7. What is structure? Discuss the definition of structure, declaration and initialization of structure variable with syntax and examples.
  8. Discuss the nested structure  and typedef with examples.
  9. What is pointer? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
  10. Write C program to read and display N students information (Roll No, Name, USN and Marks) using array of structure.
  11. Write user defined function isprime(n) that read n and return 1 if it is prime number; otherwise 0.
  12. Write function to swap two variables using call by reference method.
  13. Write C program to find standard deviation of n floating point numbers using pointers.
  14. Write a C program to sort N values using user defined function.

Friday 28 December 2018

Viva Voce Questions for CPL Lab. ( C langauage Lab.), VTU Belagavi. First year Engineering Course.

What is computer?

Name some input and output devices.

What is CPU?

Name types of memories.

Tell me about computer generations.

Can you name the types of computers.

What is computer network?

Can you name components used for computer network.

Name, the types of networks.

What is network topology? Name.

Who is the father of computer?

Who is the developer of C language?

List the types of computer languages.

What is algorithm?

What us flowchart?

What is pseudocode?

What is stdio.h?

What is void?

What are data types?

What is variable?

What is typecast?

What is computer program?

What are c tokens?

What are formatted I/O functions?

What are unformatted I/O functions?

Name the types of operators supported by C language.

What are bitwise operators?

Difference between increment and decrement operator.

Name decision making statements supported by c language.

Name loop statements supported by c language.

Difference between while and do while.

Difference between break and continue.

What is an array?

What are drawbacks of array?

Types of arrays.

What is bubble sort?

What is leap year?

What is function?

Types of functions.

Actual and formal parameters.

Categories of functions.

difference between call by value and call by reference.

What is recursive function?

What is structure?

Arrays of structures.

What is pointer?

What is dynamic memory allocation?

What are pre processors?

Sunday 16 December 2018

Thursday 13 December 2018

Tips to score more marks in VTU Examinations (Engineering)

Dear students,

You are clever and intelligent, do not loose your confidence. Yes, you can do well in exams.

Move towards examination hall with positive thoughts in such a way that, this time I do well.

Your's one positive thought helps you lot.

Be happier on examination day.

Be cool, try to feel weight less...be calm and cool in all situations...do not be over confident...

Move towards exam hall with all necessary things like Hall Ticket, 2 Dark Blank Ink Pens, Calculator.

Be independent; do not depend on others for asking pen, pencil, rubber, scale, etc.

Be well dressed i.e. formal.

Do prayer....before coming to exam; as well as before answering questions...in your peaceful soul....

Better; attempt that question first, in which you are perfect....

Very important is that, write question number correctly.

Underline important points in your answer.

Highlight the important word.

Give more examples.

Quality points are more important than quantity.

We need to have the habit of increasing quantity of quality; that comes by practice.

Wherever necessary, draw figure..

For every question; one page answer is compulsory.

For 10 marks minimum 2 to 3 pages (front and back)

Yours signature and supervisor signature on Answer booklet is compulsory...

Handwriting must be readable.....

Good luck....

All the best...

Chidanand S. Kusur
Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE
BLDEA's CET, Vijayapur-03.


Assignment 3: C Programming for Problem Solving (CPS) I Sem G Div.

Questions on Functions

1. What is function? write its advantages and give examples.

2.Discuss the elements of user defined functions with example.

3. Discuss the categories of functions.

4. What are actual and formal parameters? Give examples.

5. What are parameter passing mechanism? Discuss the types. (call by value and call by reference)
    with examples. 

6. What is recursive example? Write recursive function to find factorial of N.

7. Discuss storage classes used in C with examples. (auto,global,static,register)

Write functions for following.

1. Function to find square of a number.

2. Function to find factorial of 'n'.

4. Write function named isprime(n) that return 1 if number is prime; otherwise, 0

5. Function to find length of a string.

6. Function to find largest of two numbers.

7. Function to find largest of N numbers.

8. To sort N numbers is ascending order.

Monday 19 November 2018

Assignment-3 : Unix and Shell Programming

1. Discuss ordinary and environment variables with examples.

2. Discuss .profile with example.

3. Discuss the here document (<<) and trap command with examples.

4. Explain set and shift commands used in Unix to manipulate positional parameters.

5. Discuss the following Unix commands (filters) with syntax and examples.
    cut, paste, head, tail

6. Write differences between hard link and soft link.

7. Discuss the sort command with syntax, options and examples.

8. Discuss umask and default file permissions with examples.

9. Discuss two special files /dev/null and /dev/tty with examples.


10. What is process? Discuss.

11. Explain the mechanism of process creation.

12. Explain the following commands.
      at, cron, nice and nohup

13. Discuss kill command with examples.

14. Explain find command with it's syntax, options and examples.

15. Discuss bg and fg command with examples.

Friday 2 November 2018

Questions for Assignment Test-2 USP on 04-11-2018 (Sunday @12:15 to 1:15)

Assignment Test-2 USP on 04-11-2018 (Monday Time Table on Sunday @ 12:15 to 1:15.......

1. Explain the different modes of vi editor with neat block diagram.

2. Explain what wild-card patterns match:
1) [A-Z]????*   2) *[0-9]*    3) *[!0-9]   4) *.[!S][!h]

3. Write the output of following Unix commands.
1) ls *.c   2) mv * ../ise   3) cp foo foo*   4) cp  ??????  progs   5) lp note[0-1] [0-9]
5) rm *.[!l][!0][!g]  6) cp  /home/cse/{A,B,C}  .

4. Discuss the three standard files supported by Unix.  (Standard I/O or Redirections)

5. Discuss Escaping and Quoting with examples.

6. What is grep command? Discuss with syntax, options, and examples.

7. Explain the test and [ ] with examples.

8. Write shell scripts for the following.

-A shell script to read pattern to be search and filename from the users from the terminal to apply grep command.

- A shell script to read pattern and filename to apply grep command using command line arguments.

- A shell script to display the following with appropriate messages.
Display system date.
Display user name of current user.
Display a list of users who are currently logged into the computer.
Display details of process in use.
Print current working directory.
Display shell in use.

Monday 29 October 2018

Assignment-II C Programming for Problem Solveing

Module 2

1. What are control statements? List.

2. What are conditional statement? List.

3. What is simple-if ? Discuss with explanation, syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

4. What is if else statement? Discuss with explanation, syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

5. What is nested if statement? Discuss with explanation, syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

6. What is else if ladder statement? Discuss with explanation, syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

7. Discuss switch statement syntax, flowchart and two programming examples.

8. What are loop statements? List.

9. Write differences between while and do while loop.

10. Discuss for statement with syntax, flowchart and programming examples.

11. Write c programs for the following.

To check, whether the entered year is leap year or not leap year.

To find largest of three numbers using nested if statement.

Fo find largest three numbers using else if ladder.

To simulate simple calculator to perform arithmetical calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by using switch statement.

To provide the following menu option to work accordingly.
1. Area of circle
2. Area of rectangle
3. Area of triangle
Enter your choice:

Module 3

1. What is one dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

2. What is two dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

3. Write C programs for following

To find largest and lowest of N numbers using 1D array.

To implement linear search technique.

To implement binary search technique.

To find addition of two matrices by checking for their compatibility.

To find multiplication of two matrices by checking for their compatibility.

Friday 26 October 2018


What is an algorithm?

Algorithm can be defined as step by step procedure to solve a given problem by using a computer system to get desired result. It includes finite number of steps in hierarchical order from start to stop.

Characteristics of algorithm:
1. It should be unambiguous (no doubts).
2. It should not have any uncertainty steps.
3. It should generate correct result.

Algorithm to check for palindrome.

Step1: Start

Step2: Read a number i.e. num

Step3: dup=num

Step4: while  (num!=0)

Step5: Print reversed number i.e. rev

Step6:  if (rev==dup)
            Display "Plaidrome"
            Display "Not Palidrome"
Step7 : Stop

Algorithm to generate electricity bill

Step1: Start

Step2:  Read user name and number of units consumed i.e. name, units

Step3: if (units<=200) goto next step; otherwise goto step 5

Step4: amt=units*0.80 and goto step

Step5: if (units<=300) then goto next step; otherwise goto step 7

Step6: amt=160+((units-200)*0.90) and goto step 8

Step7: amt=250+((units-300)+1) and goto next step

Step8: total_amt=amt+100

Step9: if (total_amt>400) goto next step; otherwise goto step 11

Step10: sur_charge=total_amt*0.15, total_amt=total_amt+sur_charge

Step11: Print name and total_amt

Step12: Stop

Friday 5 October 2018

Assignment-II Unix and Shell Programming

1. Explain the different modes of vi editor with neat block diagram. Jan 2017
    Introduction to vi editor: 1m
    Block diagram: 2m
    Explanation of three modes with commands used: 2 x 3 =6m
    Total=9 m

2. Discuss the navigation commands used in vi editor. Jan-2017

3. Explain Shell's interpretive life cycle. Jan.2017

4. Explain what wild-card patterns match:
1) [A-Z]????*   2) *[0-9]*    3) *[!0-9]   4) *.[!S][!h]

5. Write the output of following Unix commands.
1) ls *.c   2) mv * ../ise   3) cp foo foo*   4) cp  ??????  progs   5) lp note[0-1] [0-9]
5) rm *.[!l][!0][!g]  6) cp  /home/cse/{A,B,C}  .

6. Discuss the three standard files supported by Unix.  (Standard I/O or Redirections)

7. Discuss Escaping and Quoting with examples.

8. Explain the following with examples.
pipe, tee and command substitution

9. Discuss the commands used for configuring vi editor. i.e. set, ab, map

10. What is .exrc ? Give example.

11. What is grep command? Dicuss with syntax, options, and examples.

12. What is egrep command? Give examples.

13. Discuss sed with line and context addressing techniques.

14. Write short note on BRE and ERE with examples.

15. What is shell programming?Give any three examples.

16. What is conditional execution in UNIX?Give examples.

17. Write all the forms of if statement supported by shell script with syntax and examples.

18. Write short note on "Command Line Arguments" with examples.

19. Explain the test and [ ] with examples.

20. Write shell scripts for the following.

A shell script to read pattern to be search and filename from the users from the terminal to apply grep command.

A shell script to read pattern and filename to apply grep command using command line arguments.

A shell script to display the following with appropriate messages.
Display system date.
Display user name of current user.
Display a list of users who are currently logged into the computer.
Display details of process in use.
Print current working directory.
Display shell in use.

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Assignment-I (Part-II) C Programming for Problem Solving

Discuss in brief about "Structure of C Program" with programming example.

What are C-tokens? List and discuss in brief.

What are data types? List and discuss in brief.

What is variable?Discuss it's declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What are I/O functions? Discuss formatted I/O functions with syntax and examples.

List and Discuss any 5 types of operators supported by C language.

Write C programs for following.

  • To find largest of two numbers using if else statement.
  • To find largest of three numbers using conditional operator.
  • To check, whether the number is Even or Odd number.
  • To check, whether the year is leap year or not leap year.
  • To find sum of first and last digit of entered 3 digits number.
  • To swap (interchange) the contents of two variables using temporary variable.
  • To swap (interchange) the contents of two variables without using temporary variable.

Thursday 6 September 2018

Assignment-1: C Programming for Problem Solving (18CPS13)

1. What is computer? List its features and applications in brief. (2+3+3=8m)

2. Define the following.
    Computer Program
    Assembler, Interpreter, Compiler

3. List the input and output devices.

4. Discuss in brief about Computer Languages like Machine Level Language, Assembly Level Language and High Level Language.

5. Discuss "Generations of Computers" in brief.

6. Discuss "Types of Computers" in brief.

7. Explain the "Structure of a Computer" with a neat block diagram.

8. Write simple C programs for following.
    To display the message "Hello World!" on screen.

    To display your's residential address.

    To display the message "Press any two keys to know my name" to work accordingly.

    To find addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers.

Assignment Test-I Unix and Shell Programming

Assignment Test-1 on 8th Sept. 2018, Saturday first hour i.e. 9:00 am to 10:00 am


Discuss the salient features of UNIX O.S.

Explain the following commands with syntax.
echo   ls   who   date   tty   printf   

Write a note on man documentation and explain the keyword and what is options.

With a neat diagram explain architecture of UNIX.

Discuss the differences between internal and external commands of UNIX.

Explain the contents of /etc/passwd  and /etc/shadow files.

Discuss the commands to create, modify and deletes users.

List and explain in brief about the functions of System Admin.


Unix Files and Types


Parent-Child relationship of UNIX files.

Working with directories and File

Thursday 23 August 2018

Assignment-I Unix and Shell Programming [17CS35]


Compulsory questions to be practice as assignment-I

Discuss the salient features of UNIX O.S.

Explain the following commands with syntax.
echo   ls   who   date   tty   printf   

Write a note on man documentation and explain the keyword and what is options.

With a neat diagram explain architecture of UNIX.

Discuss the differences between internal and external commands of UNIX.

Explain the contents of /etc/passwd  and /etc/shadow files.

Discuss the commands to create, modify and deletes users.

Know and practice the following:

What is operating system? List its functions.

Define UNIX.

List and discuss the feature of Unix.

Discuss the components of Unix Architecture with neat diagram.

Discuss the different Unix working environments.

List and discuss the internal and external commands of UNIX.

Explain the following commands with options.


Who is system administrator? Write the functions of system admin.

Discuss the commands required for creating users, modifying users permissions and deleting users.

Saturday 9 June 2018

PCD : C Programs to be practice for VTU main examination

Simple Interest

Area and circumference of circle

Area and perimeter of rectangle.

Area of triangle by reading three sides of it.

Leap year

Largest of two numbers

Largest of three numbers

Largest of N numbers





Bubble sort

Linear search

Binary search

To check for prime number


N students information

Dynamic memory allocation

Standard deviation

Files programs

Examples for pre processors

ALL CPL Lab programs

Monday 21 May 2018

Design and Analysis of Algorithms: ASSIGNMENT-3

Dear students,

You are hereby informed to read, understand and re-write answers in your own sentences for following questions to gain knowledge and to get good marks.

1. Discuss the following with examples.
        a.    Subset sum problem
        b.    4-Queens problem
        c.    Hamiltonian Cycle problem

2. Discuss "Assignment Problem". Solve it with all necessary steps and explanation. Draw state space tree for the example.

3. Discuss "Travelling Salesman Problem". Solve it by using Branch and Bound technique. Draw state space tree for it with necessary calculations for new nodes.

4. Discuss the following in brief with examples and diagram if necessary.
    NP-Complete Problems
    NP-Hard Problems.

Last date for submission: 25th May, 2018 Friday.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Assignment-2 for IV Sem B CSE students "Design and Analysis of Algorithms"

Write an algorithm to find maximum and minimum from given list of array elements a[1-n] using divide and conquer approach. Find its time efficiency.

Write merge sort algorithm. Find its time efficiency.

Apply merge sort algorithm for given list of numbers 8  3 2 9 7 1 5 4

Apply merge sort algorithm for the characters M E R G E S O R T

Write quicksort algorithm.

Apply quicksort algorithm for 5 3 1 9 8 2 4 7. Draw its recursive call tree.

Apply quicksort algorithm for the letters E X A M P L E.

Apply quicksort algorithm for the letters Q U I C K S O R T

Write differences between brute force approach and Strassen's method to find multiplication of two matrices of size 2 by 2.

Apply Strassen's method to find multiplication of following 2 matrices.

  A               B
2   5           1   0
5   2           0   1

Apply Strassen's method to find multiplication of following 2 matrices.

  A                               B
2  4  6  3                1   1  1   1
1  2  2  1                1   1  1   2
3  1  1  3                2   1   1  2
1  1  1  1                3   1   1  3

Discuss 3 categories of decrease and conquer technique with examples.

What is topological sort? Give example for both DFS based and source removal algorithms.

Module 3 :

Discuss Greedy Technique with its general plan to find optimal solution for the given problem.

Discuss Coin Change Problem with its algorithm.

Discuss Knapsack Problem with example. Write GrredyKnapsack algorithm.

What is the difference between spanning tree and minimum spanning tree?

Discuss Prim's and Kruskal's algorithm with example.

Monday 26 March 2018

Assignment-II PCD for II Sem. 'A' division students. Even Sem 2017-18

1. Write explanation, syntax, flowchart and give 2 programming examples for each of the following.


do while


2. Write differences between while and do while loop.

3. Write differences between break and continue statements with programming examples.

4. What is one dimensional array?Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

5. What is two dimensional array?Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

6. What is string? Discuss declaration and initialization of string variables with examples.

7. Discuss string handling functions with syntax and examples.

8. Discuss the 3 elements of user defined functions with syntax and examples.

9. What are actual and formal parameters?Discuss with example.

10. Discuss different parameter passing mechanisms. (call by value and call by reference)

11. What is recursive function? Give programming example.

12. Discuss storage classes used in C. (auto,global,static,register)

13. Write programs for following.

To find sum and average of 1 to n numbers.

To find factorial of n.

To display first 'n' fibonacci numbers. i.e. 0  1  1  2  3  5  8  13 ...........

To check, whether the number is prime or not prime.

To find maximum and minimum of n numbers.

Bubble sort

Polynomial Equation

Linear Search

Binary Search

Addition of Matrices

Multiplication of Matrices

To find length of string without using built in function.

To copy one string to another string without using built in function.

To concatenate two strings into single string.

To reverse a string.

To check, whether the string is palindrome or not palindrome.

Friday 2 March 2018

Assignment-I Test on Programming in C and Data Structures

Assignment Test-I on "PCD"

1. Discuss the 'Structure of C program" with programming example.

2. What are C tokens?list and discuss in brief.

3. What are I/O functions? Discuss in brief with syntax and examples.

4. Discuss any five C operators with examples.

5. What are decision making statements? List and discuss with syntax and examples.
    (simple if, if else, nested if, else if ladder, switch)

Write C programs for following.
To find simple interest.
To find area and perimeter of rectangle.
To find area of triangle by reading three sides of it.
To find largest of 2 numbers.
To find largest of 3 numbers.
To find roots of quadratic equation.
To check the number n for Palindrome or Not palindrome.
To check, whether the year is leap year or not leap year.
To sort n numbers using bubble sort technique.

Assignment Test-I on Design and Analysis of Algorithms [09-03-2018 (Friday)]

1. What is an algorithm?Discuss its characteristics.

2. Discuss the steps used by computer professionals for Design and Analysis of Algorithms process.

3. What are asymptotic notations? List and discuss with definition, graph and examples.

4. Design and find the time complexity of non recursive algorithms.
    (MaxElement, ElementUniqueness, Matrix Multiplication, Binary(n)

5. Design and find the time complexity of recursive algorithms.
   (Factorial, Tower of Hanoi, Binary(n)

6. What is space complexity?Discuss with examples.

Friday 23 February 2018

Remedial Class Test-I Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Remedial Class Test-I Design and Analysis of Algorithms

1. What is an algorithm?List its characteristics.

2. Draw the figure representing the process followed by computer professional for "Algorithm Design and Analysis Process".

3. Draw the Table and Graph showing the values representing Functions Growth for representing Order of Growth of designed algorithms for different Input size N.

4. What are asymptotic notations? List.

5. Draw three Graphs representing the order of growth for Functions belongs to big-oh, big-omega and big-theta with Definitions and Examples.

Sunday 11 February 2018

Table of Contents for Seminar Report

1. Introduction
2. Literature survey (10 papers)
3. Methodology (algorithm and flowchart)
4. System performance
5. Advantages and disadvantages
6. Conclusion



·         Project reports should be typed neatly only on one side of the paper with 1.5 or double line spacing on a A4 size bond paper (210 x 297 mm).
·         The margins should be: Left – 1.25″, Right – 1″, Top and Bottom – 0.75″.
The total number of reports to be prepared are
            One copy to the department
            One copy to the concerned guide(s)
            Two copies to the sponsoring agency
            One copy to the candidate.
·         Before taking the final printout, the approval of the concerned guide(s) is mandatory and suggested corrections, if any, must be incorporated.
·         For making copies dry tone Xerox is suggested.
o   Every copy of the report must contain
Inner title page (White)
Outer title page with a plastic cover
Certificate in the format enclosed both from the college and the organization where the project is carried out.
·         An abstract (synopsis) not exceeding 100 words, indicating salient features of the work. (NB: four copies of the abstract are to be submitted to the Department on the date of submission separately)
·         The organization of the report should be as follows
Inner title page
Abstract or Synopsis
Table of Contents
List of table & figures (optional)
Usually numbered in roman
(to be numbered in Arabic) containing Introduction-, which usually specifies the scope of work and its importance and relation to previous work and the present developments, Main body of the report divided appropriately into chapters, sections and subsections.
The chapters, sections and subsections may be numbered in the decimal form for e.g. Chapter 2, sections as 2.1, 2.2 etc., and subsections as 2.2.3, 2.5.1 etc.
The chapter must be left or right justified (font size 16). Followed by the title of chapter centered (font size 18), section/subsection numbers along with their headings must be left justified with section number and its heading in font size 16 and subsection and its heading in font size 14. The body or the text of the report should have font size 12.
·         The figures and tables must be numbered chapter wise for e.g.: Fig. 2.1 Block diagram of a serial binary adder, Table 3.1 Primitive flow table, etc.
·         The last chapter should contain the summary of the work carried, contributions if any, their utility along with the scope for further work.
·         Reference OR Bibliography: The references should be numbered serially in the order of their occurrence in the text and their numbers should be indicated within square brackets for e.g. [3]. The section on references should list them in serial order in the following format.
For textbooks – A.V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schafer, Digital Signal Processing, Englewood, N.J., Prentice Hall, 3 Edition, 1975.
For papers – Devid, Insulation design to combat pollution problem, Proc of IEEE, PAS, Vol 71, Aug 1981, pp 1901-1907.
·         Only SI units are to be used in the report. Important equations must be numbered in decimal form for e.g.V = IZ ………. (3.2)
All equation numbers should be right justified.
·         The project report should be brief and include descriptions of work carried out by others only to the minimum extent necessary. Verbatim reproduction of material available elsewhere should be strictly avoided. Where short excerpts from published work are desired to be included, they should be within quotation marks appropriately referenced.
Proper attention is to be paid not only to the technical contents but also to the organization of the report and clarity of the expression. Due care should be taken to avoid spelling and typing errors. The student should note that report-write-up forms the important component in the overall evaluation of the project
Hardware projects must include: the component layout, complete circuit with the component list containing the name of the component, numbers used, etc. and the main component data sheets as Appendix. At the time of report submissions, the students must hand over a copy of these details to the project coordinator and see that they are entered in proper registers maintained in the department.
Software projects must include a virus free disc, containing the software developed by them along with the read me file. Read me file should contain the details of the variables used, salient features of the software and procedure of using them: compiling procedure, details of the computer hardware/software requirements to run the same, etc. If the developed software uses any public domain software downloaded from some site, then the address of the site along with the module name etc. must be included on a separate sheet. It must be properly acknowledged in the acknowledgments.
Sponsored Projects must also satisfy the above requirements along with statement of accounts, bills for the same dully attested by the concerned guides to process further, They must also produce NOC from the concerned guide before taking the internal viva examination, The reports submitted to the department/guide(s) must be hard bounded, with a plastic covering.
Separator sheets, used if any, between chapters, should be of thin paper

Shortcut Keys

Ctrl+A            Select all contents of the page.
Ctrl+B            Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl+C            Copy selected text.
Ctrl+D            Open the font preferences window.
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Ctrl+F            Open find box.
Ctrl+I             Italic highlighted selection.
Ctrl+J             Aligns the selected text or line to justify the screen.
Ctrl+K            Insert a hyperlink.
Ctrl+L            Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen.
Ctrl+M            Indent the paragraph.
Ctrl+N            Opens new, blank document window.
Ctrl+O            Opens the dialog box or page for selecting a file to open.
Ctrl+P            Open the print window.
Ctrl+R            Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen.
Ctrl+S            Save the open document. Just like Shift+F12.
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Ctrl+<right arrow>     Moves one word to the right.
Ctrl+<up arrow>         Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph.
Ctrl+<down arrow>    Moves to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl+1  Single-space lines.
Ctrl+2  Double-space lines.
Ctrl+5  1.5-line spacing.
Ctrl+Alt+1      Changes text to heading 1.
Ctrl+Alt+2      Changes text to heading 2.
Ctrl+Alt+3      Changes text to heading 3.
Ctrl+F1           Open the Task Pane.
Ctrl+F2           Display the print preview.
Ctrl+Shift+>   Increases the selected text size by one font size.
Ctrl+Shift+<   Decreases the selected text size by one font size.
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Switches to another open Microsoft Word document.
Ctrl+Shift+F12           Prints the document.
F1        Open Help.
F4        Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)
F5        Open the Find, Replace, and Go To window in Microsoft Word.
F7        Spellcheck and grammar check selected text or document.
F12      Save As.
Shift+F3          Change the text in Microsoft Word from uppercase to lowercase or a capital letter at the beginning of every word.
Shift+F7          Runs a Thesaurus check on the selected word.
Shift+F12        Save the open document. Just like Ctrl+S.
Shift+Insert     Paste.
Shift+Alt+D   Insert the current date.
Shift+Alt+T    Insert the current time.
End                 End of line
Ctrl + Home    Go to start of document
Ctrl + End       Go to end of document

Steps to be followed on Day-1 of "Report Writing Skills"

Follow the following steps...

1. How to start Ms_word, Ms-Excel, Ms-Powerpoint?

Windows key + R àWe get [Run] window à There, you need to type ‘winword’ / ‘excel’ / ‘powerpnt’

2. Identify the [Office button], [Quick access] toolbar, [Home] tab, [Insert] tab, [Page Layout] tab, [References] tab, [Mailings] tab, [Review] tab and [View] tab.

3. Identify the [Horizontal and Vertical scroll bars].

4. Identify [View Ruler] button on vertical scroll bar at the top vertical scroll bar and click on it for activation/deactivation of horizontal & vertical rulers.

5. Double click on [left or right side of Horizontal Scroll Bar] to get the [Page Setup] window.


1. Create a document named "Report1.doc" with following format.

    Chapter number (font size 16)
    Chapter title  (font size 18)
    Section (font size 16)
    Sub section (font size 14)
    Normal text (font size 12)
    Line spacing 1.5
    Page size=A4
    Margins: Left – 1.25″, Right – 1″, Top and Bottom – 0.75″.
    Note: Times New Roman font is common to whole document.

2. Add the following contents to the above document.
    System architecture
    Page numbering
    Header and footer  (font size 10)
3. Create the following

    Cover page
    Abstract or Synopsis
    Acknowledgments    Table of Contents

4. Practice the followng
    Protect the document Open Password.
    Create Templates for the most commonly used matter.
    Default settings
    Print Screen with editing in pbrush. (used for project results)
    Set the watermark
    Group and ungroup the drawing objects.
5. Working with Tables.


Tuesday 6 February 2018

Assignment-1: Programming in C and Data Structures (Even Sem. 2017-18)

1. What is computer? Discuss its importance in today's world.

2. What is computer program?

3. List and discuss in brief about low-level, assembly-level and high level programming languages.

4. What is C language?List its features.

5. What is structure of C program?Discuss with programming example.

6. What is pseudocode?Write pseudocode for the following.
    To calculate average of three real numbers,
    To find area and perimeter of rectangle.
    To find square and cube of a number. 
    To find largest of two numbers.
    To print numbers from 1 to n.


7. What are C tokens?List and discuss in brief.

8. Write C programs for the following.

To display "Hello World" message.
To display your residential address.
To display three messages "Good Morning","Good Afternoon" & "Good Evening" in 3 lines by using "\n" escape sequence.
To find addition of two integers.
To find addition,subtraction,multiplication and division of two numbers. (single program)
To find area and circumference of circle.
To find area of triangle by reading its breadth and height.
To find area of triangle by reading three sides of it.

9. What is datatype? list and discuss in brief.

10. What is variable? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

11. What are I/O functions? List the types.

12. What are formatted I/O functions?List and discuss with syntax and examples.

Part-III    Date: 26-02-2018

13. What is precedence and associativity of operator? Discuss with examples.

14. Solve the following expression


15. Explain the following

     Arithmetic operators
     Relation operators
     Logical operators

16. Write C program to find roots of quadratic equation.

17. Write C program to check entered number is PRIME or NOT PRIME

Assignment-1: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Even Sem. 2017-18)

1. What is an algorithm? Discuss its characteristics.

2. Discuss three ways to compute greatest common divisor of m and n.

3. Discuss in brief about "General Analysis Framework"

4. What is basic operation? Find the basics operations in following code.

printf("\n Factorial is %f",prod);

        if (a[j]>a[j+1])

5. What is the unit used by computer professionals to measure the running time of designed algorithm?

GCD of two numbers and its application...

The greatest common divisor (gcd) of two numbers is the largest positive integer that divides both numbers without leaving a remainder. The ...