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Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
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Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Design and Analysis of Algorithms: Assignment-1 on Module 1 and Module 2

Module 1:

What is an algorithm? List and explain in brief about its characteristics.

Discuss three techniques to find GCD of two integers in brief.

Discuss the steps involved in "Algorithm design and analysis process" with neat flowchart.

Discuss the "Basic Asymptotic Efficiency Classes".
(constant, logarithmic, linear, linearithmic, quadratic, cubic, exponential, factorial)

What are asymptotic notations? List and discuss with definition, graph and examples.

Write the general pan to find time complexity of non-recursive algorithms.

Write non recursive algorithm for the following problems to find their time complexity.
1. To find largest of 'n' numbers.
2. To check list of array elements for the element uniqueness.
3. To multiply two matrices.
4. To know the number of binary digits in n's binary representation.

Write the general pan to find time complexity of recursive algorithms.

Write recursive algorithm for the following problems to find their time complexity.
1. To find factorial of 'n'.
2. To solve Tower of Hanoi puzzle.
3. To know the number of binary digits in n's binary representation.

What is space complexity?Give example.

Module 2:

1. Discuss 'Divide and Conquer Algorithm Design Technique' with its general plan and example.

2. Write non-recursive algorithm to implement Binary Search technique and find its time complexity.

3. Write recursive algorithm to implement Binary Search technique.

4. Write recursive algorithm to find maximum and minimum from given list of array element A[1-n] and find its time complexity.

5. Discuss 'Merge Sort Technique' with example.

6. Write algorithm to implement 'Merge Sort' and Find its time complexity.

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