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Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
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Tuesday 5 February 2019

Important C Programs to be practice for main examination of VTU

Write C programs for the following.

to calculate simple interest.

to find largest of three numbers.

to find area and perimeter of rectangle.

to find area of triangle by reading three sides of it.

to swap two values using temporary variable.

to swap two values without using temporary variable.

to check, whether the number NUM is palindrome or not.

to sort N values using bubble sort technique.

to implement linear search technique.

to implement binary search technique.

to find max and min of N numbers.

to find SUM and AVERAGE of N values.

Calculate area of circle, rectangle and triangle by providing menu options i.e. by using switch.

C program to simulate simple calculator using switch statement.

to find factorial of N

to print multiple table of N

to swap two values using pointers.

to find standard deviation using pointers.

to read and display N students information using arrays of structure.

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