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Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Module wise Important Questions 21PSP13

 Dear students,

Minimum topics to be prepared are as follows.

For all answers, write a c program as example, wherever necessary.


Generations of Computers

Types of computers

Structure of a computer or Block diagram of a computer

C tokens

What are identifiers?Write rules for defining identifiers with valid and inavlid examples.

What are formatted I/O functions?Dicuss with syntax and examples.

List and discuss C operators.

Structure of C program


Discuss the following decision making(conditional/selection/branching) statements with explanation, syntax,flowchart and examples.

simple if

if else

nested if

else if ladder


Discuss the following loop statements with examples.


do while


Write differences between break and continue


What is 1D array?Discuss its declaration and initalization with syntax and examples.

What is 2D array?Discuss its declaration and initalization with syntax and examples.

Discuss all string handling functions with syntax and exaples.


Discuss elements of user defined functions with example.

(function declaration, function call and function definition)

Categories of functions based on parameters(arguments) and return value.

(4 categories)

What is recursive function?Give programming example.


What is structure?Discuss its definiton and declaration of variables with syntax and examples.

What is pointer?Discuss its declaration and initalization with syntax and examples.

What are preprocessors?Discuss the different types with examples.


1.C program to calculate simple inetrest

2.C program to find largest of 3 numbers

3.C program to find area and perimeter of rectangle

4.C program to find area of triangle by reading 3 sides of it.

5. C program to check for PALINDROME or NOT

6. C program to implement bubble sort technique.

7.C program to implements linear search

8.C program to implement binary search.

9.C program to find factorial of N

10.C program to find factorial of N using recursive function.

11. C program to read and display N students information using array of structure.

12. Write user defined function to swap 2 values using pointers.(Call by reference Method)

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