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Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
I am interested in Teaching.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

VIVA VOCE Questions for C Programming Laboratory of first year engineering course.

Name input devices.

Name output devices.

Can you tell me the difference between Primary and Secondary memory?

Can you tell me the difference between RAM and ROM?

What do you mean by LAN, WAN and MAN?

What is bit or byte?

What are C tokens? give examples.

What is a variable?

What is a constant?

What is the difference between variable and constant?

What is stdio.h?Why do we include in C file?

What is stdlib.h?Why do we include in C file?

What is the difference between simple if, if else, nested if and else if ladders statements?

What is the difference between while, do while and for loop statements available in C?

What is the difference between break, continue and goto statements?

What is one dimensional array? Why do we use being a programmer?

What is two dimensional array? Why do we use being a programmer?

What is string?

Can you name some string handling functions available in C?

What is the difference between strcmp() and strncmp()?

What ASCII stands for?

What is the ASCII value of A and a?

What is user defined functions?

What are actual and formal parameters?

What is the difference between call by value and call by reference methods?

What are storage classes used in C? Name them and tell the difference between them.

What is structure?

What is the difference between array and structure?

What is nested structure?

What is typedef?

What are pre processors?

Name the types of preprocessors.

What are the advantages of pre processors?

What are compiler control directives?

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Important questions to be practice for VTU main examination on Functions, Pointers, Structures and Preprocessor (I semester B.E.)

Four Categories of Functions based on arguments and return value with examples.

Differences between call by value and call by reference.

Actual and formal parameters

What is recursive function? Write a recursive function to find factorial of N.

What is structure? Discuss the definition of structure, declaration and initialization of structure variable with syntax and examples.

Discuss the different ways to define structure and structure variables with examples.

Discuss the nested structure  and typedef with examples.

What is pointer? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What are preprocessors? list and explain with examples.

What is dynamic memory allocation? List and explain in brief about memory allocating functions.

Write C program to read and display one students information (Roll No, Name, USN and Marks)

Write user defined function isprime(n) that read n and return 1 if it is prime number; otherwise 0

Write C program to find standard deviation of n floating point numbers using pointers.

Write a c program to swap the contents of two variables using pointers.

Note: Do not forget to send your feedback about this blog. to cs.kusur@gmail.com

Thursday 28 November 2019

Download C language Notes on C for Problem Solving Syllabus as per VTU, Belagavi for first and second semester

Dear students,

Please click on below link to download the notes of Module-5.

Module-5 C for Problem Solving Notes as per VTU Syllabus

Send your feedback to cs.kusur@gmail.com

Send request to get cs.kusur@gmail.com to get notes of other modules..

Good luck!

Sunday 24 November 2019

2nd IA Marks of C for Problem Solving I Sem. G division.

Results of 2nd IA Marks
Class: I Sem. 'G' Division  Staff: C. S. Kusur

Click on below link to see yours 2nd IA marks of CPS.
All the best!
Click here to see yours 2nd IA Marks of CPS

Note: Dear students, Those who scored less than 19 as a final 2nd IA. You need to solve 2nd IA question paper once again and submit before 7th Dec. 2019

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Assignment-3 C for Problem Solving for I Sem G Division by C. S. Kusur

What is one dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What is two dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

Discuss the elements of user defined functions with syntax and examples.

What are actual and formal parameters?Give programming example.

Discuss the categories of functions with examples.

Write differences between call by value and call by reference methods.

What is recursive function? Give programming example.

Discuss the following storage classes used in C with examples.
automatic variables
global variables
static variables
register variables

Write a function to find largest of two numbers.
Write a function to find factorial of n
Write a function to find length of a string
Write a function named isprime(n) that returns 0 if the number is not prime; otherwise, it returns 1.

What is structure? Discuss its declaration with syntax and examples.

What is pointer? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What is DMA (dynamic Memory Allocation)?Discuss the memory allocation functions like malloc(), calloc(), realloc() and free() with syntax and examples.

Give programming example for DMA.

What are preprocessors?List and discuss the different types of preprocessors.

Write a c program to swap (interchange) the contents of two variables using pointers.

Assignment-3 SAN (Storage Area Networks) 7th Semester A Division (C. S. Kusur)

Answer any 5 of the following.

1. List and explain the four security goals of information security environment.

Availability and

2.  Discuss Risk Triad in brief.

1. threats
2. assets
3. vulnerabilities

3.  With neat diagrams explain storage security domains.

a) Application access
b) Management access
c) backup, replication and archive

4. Discuss about the security implementations in storage networking.

a) Securing FC SAN Environment
b) Securing NAS Environment
c) Securing IP-SAN Environment

6. Discuss the monitoring the storage infrastructure with monitoring parameters and components.

Monitoring Parameters
a) accessibility
b) capacity
c) performance
d) security

Monitoring components
1) Hosts 2) Networks 3) storage

7. List and discuss the following monitoring parameters

1. Accessibility monitoring
2. Capacity monitoring
3. Performance monitoring
4. Security Monitoring
5. Alerting of events by alerts

8. Write short note on "Alerts".

9. List and discuss the storage infrastructure management activities.

Availability Management
Capacity "
Performance "
Security "

10. Discuss Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) with its key benefits.

11. Discuss the challenges for consumers and providers of cloud computing.

12. Write short note on  IP-SAN security implementation in storage networking.

13. Discuss the cloud adoption considerations.

14. Discuss in brief about cloud computing infrastructure.

Friday 8 November 2019

Questions on Arrays and Strings as a part of Assignment-2 CPS for I Sem G Division Civil Students

What is one dimensional array?Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What is two dimensional array?Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What is string ?Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

Discuss following string handling (manipulation) functions with explanation, syntax and examples.

1. strlen()
2. strcpy()
3. strncpy()
4. strcat()
5. strncat()
6. strcmp()
7. strncmp()
8. strupr()
9. strler()

Programs on 1D array:

Write a c program to implement implement linear search technique.

Write a c program to implement implement binary search technique.

Write a c program to implement implement bubble sort technique.

Write a c program to find largest and lowest of N numbers.

Write a c program to find sum and average of N integers using 1D array.

Programs on 2D array:

Write a c program to find addition of two matrices.

Write a c program to find multiplication of two matrices.

Programs on strings:

Write a c program to find length of a string without using built in function.

Write a c program to copy one string into another string variable without using built in function.

Write a c program to concatenate one string to another string without using built in function.

Write a c program to reverse a string without using a built in function.

Thursday 24 October 2019

SAN: Assignment 2

Answer any 5 of the following

What do you mean by Information Availability?  Write three definitions in terms of Accessibility, Reliability and Timeliness.

List and discuss the BC (Business Continuity) Terminology.

Explain the five stages of BC Planning Life Cycle.

Discuss in brief about the BC Technology solutions. (Backup, Local Replication, Remote Replication)

What is backup? Discuss in brief about the backup topologies with neat diagrams.

Write differences between Backup Targets like Tape, Disk and Virtual Tape. (Write short note on Backup Targets)

Discuss Backup in Virtualized Environments.

What is Data Archive? Discuss in brief.

What is local replication? List and explain its uses.

List and explain the local replication technologies.

Write short note on data deduplication methods.

Write short note on Three Site Replication.

What is cloud computing? List and explain the characteristics of cloud computing.

Discuss Cloud Service Models.

Discuss Cloud Deployment Models.

Discuss Cloud Computing Infrastructure.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Assignment 2: I Sem. G Division Subject: C for Problem Solving

1. Discuss the following decision making statements with syntax, flowchart and examples.

simple if

if else

nested if

else if ladder (cascaded if)


Write C programs for following.

1. To find largest of 2 numbers.
2. To find largest of 3 numbers.
3. To check, whether the year is leap year not.
4. To check, whether the number is even or odd number.
5. To display Grades as per percentage of marks scored. (Refer following Table)
       Percentage      Grades
       90 to 100           O     
       80 to 89             S
       70 to 79             A
       60 to 69             B
       50 to 59             C
       45 to 49             D
       40 to 44             E
       0 to 39               F

6. To provide menu options using switch to find area of circle, area of rectangle and area of triangle to work according to users choice.

2.  Discuss the following with syntax, flowchart and examples.


do while


Write C programs for following.

To find factorial of n using while
To find factorial of n using do while
To find factorial of n using for

To find sum and average of 1 to 10 number using while.
To find sum and average of 1 to 10 number using do while
To find sum and average of 1 to 10 number using for

To print first N fibonacci numbers.

3. Explain following with syntax and examples.


4. Write differences between while and do while

5. Write differences between break and continue.

6. Write C program to check, entered number is PRIME or NOT PRIME.

Friday 30 August 2019

Assignment 1: Storage Area Networks Class: VII Sem. CSE

Discuss the Evolution of Storage Architecture with neat diagram.

List and discuss in brief about key characteristics of a Data Center.

List and discuss in brief about the core elements of Data Center.

What is RAID? List and discuss all the RAID levels in brief with free hand sketch.

What is intelligent storage system (iSS)?List and discuss the components of iss in brief.

What is storage provisioning?Discuss the traditional and virtual storage provisioning.

What is SAN?Discuss components of FC SAN.

Friday 23 August 2019

Assignment-1 C for Problem Solving I Sem. "G" Division Civil Students Odd Sem 2019 -20


1. What is computer?

2. What is computer program?

3. List and explain in brief about input and output devices.

4. Draw the block diagram of a computer system and explain the components in brief.

5. Discuss generations of a computer system in brief.

6. List and discuss in brief about the types of computer system.

9. What is computer network?list its advantages.

10. Discuss LAN, MAN and WAN in brief.

11. Discuss network topologies with diagram.

12. List and explain the network components.

13. Discuss the Structure of C Program with programming examples.

14. What are C tokens?List and explain in brief.

15. What are datatypes?List and discuss in brief.

16. What are formatted I/O functions?Discuss with syntax and examples.

17. Discuss the following operators with examples.
arithmetic, relational, logical, increment and decrement, conditional, bitwise, assignment, special operators.

18. What is typecast?Discuss types with examples.

19. Design and develop C programs for following.

To find area and perimeter of rectangle.
To find area of triangle by reading breadth and height.
To find area of triangle by reading three sides of it.
To find simple interest.
To find are and circumference of a circle.
To convert temperature reading from F to C.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Modulewise Questions to be practice on "C for Problem Solving" II Sem. Engineering Students (VTU, Belagavi)


Block diagram of a computer with explanation of each part in brief.

List of input devices with explanation in brief about each.

List of output devices with explanation in brief about each.

Generations of Computers

Types of Computers

What is computer network? list its advantages.

Write differences between LAN, WAN and MAN

Discuss network topologies (bus, star, ring and mesh) with diagram and examples.


Structure of a c program with programming example.

C-tokens (list and explain in brief)

What is identifier? Discuss rules for defining identifiers with valid and invalid examples for each rule.

What is variable? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What are formatted input and output functions(scanf and printf)? Discuss with syntax and examples.

What are unformatted input and output functions? Discuss with syntax and examples.

List and discuss the following operators with explanation and examples.

increment and decrement
Conditional operator
Bitwise operators
Special operators (comma and sizeof)

What is typecast(type conversion)? Discuss implicit and explicit type conversions with examples.

Write c programs for following.

To find simple interest (algorithm, flowchart, pesudocode, program)

To find area and circumference of a circle (algorithm, flowchart, pseudocode, program)

To find area and perimeter of rectangle.

To find area of triangle by reading breadth and height of it.

To find area of triangle by reading 3 sides of it (a,b,c)

To swap to values using temporary variable.

To swap to values without using temporary variable.


Discuss the following conditional(decision making/selection/branching) statements with syntax, flowchart and examples.
simple if
if else
nested if
else if ladder

Discuss the following loop statements with syntax, flowchart and examples.
do while

Write differences between while and do while statements.

Write differences between break and continue statements.

Discuss the following storage classes used in C with examples.

automatic variables
global variables
static variables
register variables

To check for leap year
To check, whether the number N is even or odd number.
To check, whether the number is PALINDROME or not.
To find factorial of N
GCD and LCM using Euclid's algorithm.
To print first N fibonacci numbers.


What is one dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What is two dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What is string? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

Discuss all string handling functions with syntax and examples.

Bubble sort
Linear search
Binary search
Sum and Avg of N numbers
Find maximum and minimum of N numbers


Discuss the 3 elements of user defined functions with syntax and examples.

Discuss categories of function with examples.

What are actual and formal parameters?Discuss with examples.

Discuss parameter passing mechanism. (call by value and call by reference)

What is recursive function?Give example.

Function to check for prime number.
Function to find length of a string.


What is structure?Discuss declaration of structure and structure variable with syntax and examples.

What is array of structure?Give programming example.

What is nested structure?Give example.

Discuss structures and functions with example.

What is pointer? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What is dynamic memory allocation? Discuss memory allocation functions like malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), fee().

What are pre-processors? Discuss three types with examples.


Swap two values using pointers.

Standard deviation

C Program to print Pascals Triangle (Click below link)

Note: Send your feedback to cs.kusur@gmail.com or Write comments.

Sunday 9 June 2019

Toppers for First, Second and Third IA : Congratulations!....Keep it up....

Toppers for First IA

Roll No USN Students Name First IA
6 2BL18CS010 ARJUN NAIK  50
41 2BL18CS037 LAXMI AWATI  50
59 2BL18CS068 SADAF MULLA 50
318 2BL18CS076 SHIFA K. ATTAR 47
14 2BL18CS023 DEV PATEL 45

Toppers for Second IA
Roll No USN Students Name Second IA
6 2BL18CS010 ARJUN NAIK  49
41 2BL18CS037 LAXMI AWATI  44
59 2BL18CS068 SADAF MULLA 38

Toppers for Third IA
Roll No USN Students Name Third IA
6 2BL18CS010 ARJUN NAIK  43
14 2BL18CS023 DEV PATEL 36
41 2BL18CS037 LAXMI AWATI  36
318 2BL18CS076 SHIFA K. ATTAR 32

First, Second and Third IA Marks of II Sem A Division Subject: C for Problem Solving

Click on below link to know your first, second and third IA marks outof 50.

II Sem A Division IA Marks

Dear students,

I am sorry to say that, still you need to improve lot to pass this subject in VTU main examination.

If, you have any doubts in any topic, kindly come to college. I am ready to explain you all.

All of you belongs to Computer Science and Engineering. So, prepare well for examinations....

Do not be absent for Tuesday and Wednesday classes 11th and 12th July 2019

Good luck...

Come and contact

Tuesday 4 June 2019

CPS: II Sem 'A' Division, Assignment Questions on Arrays, Strings, Functions and Pre Processor.

Discuss the declaration and initialization of one and two dimensional arrays with syntax and examples.

Programs on Arrays:
Sum and Average of N numbers using array.
Implementation of linear search
Implementation of binary search
Implementation of bubble sort
Programs on arrays (taught in class)

What is string?Discuss its declaration and initialization.
Reading and writing strings.
String handling functions (10 types)
Programs on strings (taught in class)

Discuss the elements of user defined function with syntax and example.
Explain the categories of user defined functions with examples.
Write user defined function to find length of a string.
Write a c program to implement bubble sort technique.
What are recursive function? 
Write recursive function to find factorial.
Write recursive function to convert binary to decimal.
Differentiate the call by value and call by reference techniques.
What are actual and formal parameters? Give example.
Write user defined function to swap two values using pointers.

What are preprocessors? Discuss the types with syntax and examples.
1)Macro substitution directives
2) File inclusion directives
3) Compiler control directives.

Friday 17 May 2019

CPS II Sem 'A' Division: Syllabus for 2nd IA

Special operators(comma, sizeof())

Typecast (type conversion)
Implicit and Explicit

Decision making (conditional) statements:
Simple if, if else, nested if, else if ladder

Loop statements:
do while

Jump statements:

Definition and examples.

1 to n numbers
sum and average of 1 to n numbers
factorial of n
first n fibonacci numbers
GCD and LCM of two numbers using Euclid's algorithm
prime number

Good luck ...All the best....

Sunday 12 May 2019

Syllabus for 3rd IA: Design and Analysis of Algorithms


Sort the given list of elements 2, 9, 7, 6, 5, 8 by heapsort.

0/1 Knapsack problem:
Solve the knapsack problem using dynamic programming technique.

Bellman Ford Algorithm:
Apply Bellman Ford algorithm to find shortest path from source vertex S to other vertices of a given graph. (As given in notes).

Multistage Graph Problem:
Solve the multistage graph problem using dynamic programming between node1 to node12 and also evaluate the cost of shortest path. (Refer notes for graph)

Warshall Algorithm:
Apply warshall algorithm for the given diagraph to find its transitive closure. (refer notes for graph)

Floyd's Algorithm:
Apply Floyd's algorithm for the given diagraph to find all pairs shortest paths for the given graph (refer notes for graph)

Optimal Binary Search Tree (BST)
Apply dynamic programming technique to constrcut optimal BST for the given keys and their probabilities. (refer table of values from notes)

n-Queens Problem:
Solve 4-Queens problem.

Friday 3 May 2019

Assignment-2: C for Problem Solving (II Sem 'A' Division)

Discuss the following with syntax, flowchart and two examples.

simple if

if else

nested if

else if ladder (cascadded if)


while loop

do while loop

for loop






Assignment 3: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Module-4 : All topics taught by me.

Apply the following algorithms for the the given graph to find.....

0/1 Knapsack problem 

Bellman Ford Algorithm

Multistage Graph Problems

Warshall Algorithm (Transitive Closure)

Floyd's Algorithm (All Pairs Shortest Path Problems)


Saturday 6 April 2019

Assignment-2 : Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Write Quicksort algorithm. (both quicksort and partition)

Apply quick sort algorithm for given values 10,45,25,15,75,5,12,20 and draw state space tree.

Discuss stressen's matrix multiplication technique with example.

Discuss 'Decrease and Conquer' algorithm design technique with examples.

Write differences between divide and conquer & decrease and conquer.

What is topological sort?Write its advantages.

Discuss 'DFS' and 'Source Removal' Techniques with example for topological sort.

Discuss 'General Plan' behind greedy technique with coin change problem as an example.

Discuss 'knapsack problem' with example. (Greedy Technique)

Write Prim's and Kruskal's Algorithms.

Give examples for both Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms.

Write Dijkstra algorithm.

Apply Dijkstra algorithm for the graph G={V,E}.
(Note: Take two graphs. directed and undirected graphs)

Discuss Job Sequencing with example.

Discuss Huffman Coding technique with example.

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Assignment-1 for II Sem. 'A' division students "C for Problem Solving"

What is computer?

Computer is an electronic computing device. It receives raw data as an input, process and generates desired result as an output. If necessary, input and output can be stored in computer's secondary memory for future use.

List and explain the features/characteristics of computers in brief.
Diligence and

List the applications of computers in brief.

What are input devices? List the most commonly used input devices.

What are output devices? List the most commonly used output devices.

Draw the 'Block Diagram of a Computer' or 'Structure of a Computer' neatly and explain all its parts in brief.

List and explain in brief about 'Types of Computers'.

List and explain in brief about 'Generations of Computers'.

What is computer network? List its advantages.

List and explain the components used for computer network.

List and explain the types of computer networks. (LAN, MAN, WAN).

What is network topology? List and explain the advantages of each topology with neat diagram.

NOTE: Writing answers for following questions in Assignment Book is compulsory.

Write 'STRUCTURE OF C PROGRAM'. Explain all its components with programming example.

What are C-tokens? List and explain in brief.

What is variable? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What are formatted I/O functions?List and discuss with syntax and examples.

What is typecast (type conversion)?Discuss different types with examples.

Practice mathematical expression to C expressions.

List and discuss operators supported by C language.

Design and Develop C Programs for following.

To display Hello World message.
To display yours residential address.
To print the message "Press any three keys to know my name" to work accordingly.
To find Square and Cube of a number.
To find area and perimeter of rectangle.
To convert temperature reading from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
To find area and circumference of a circle.
To find area of triangle by reading its breadth and height.
To find area of triangle by reading its 3 sides.
To swap two values using temporary memory.
To swap two values without using temporary memory.
To extract last digit of entered number.
To find simple interest.

Monday 25 February 2019

Wit and Wisdom: Tenali Rama Story

Tenali Rama is well known a poet, scholar, thinker and a Special Adviser in the court of Sri Krishnadevaraya

Click on me

Tuesday 19 February 2019

How to pass examination without studying? ! Sadhguru

How to pass examination without studying?

Sadhguru answers a student's question on whether we can pass exams without studying, and explains what the whole point of pass and fail is in the first place.

Click on me to watch the video.

Sunday 17 February 2019


Project reports should be typed neatly only on one side of the paper with 1.5 or double line spacing on a A4 size bond paper (210 x 297 mm). 
The margins should be: Left – 1.25″, Right – 1″, Top and Bottom – 0.75″.
The total number of reports to be prepared are
One copy to the department
One copy to the concerned guide(s)
Two copies to the sponsoring agency
One copy to the candidate.

3. Before taking the final printout, the approval of the concerned guide(s) is mandatory and suggested corrections, if any, must be incorporated.

4. For making copies dry tone Xerox is suggested.

5.Every copy of the report must contain
Inner title page (White)
Outer title page with a plastic cover
Certificate in the format enclosed both from the college and the organization where the project is carried out.

An abstract (synopsis) not exceeding 100 words, indicating salient features of the work. 
(NB: four copies of the abstract are to be submitted to the Department on the date of submission separately)
6.The organization of the report should be as follows
Inner title page
Abstract or Synopsis
Table of Contents
List of table & figures (optional)
Usually numbered in roman

Chapters (to be numbered in Arabic) containing Introduction-, which usually specifies the scope of work and its importance and relation to previous work and the present developments, Main body of the report divided appropriately into chapters, sections and subsections.
The chapters, sections and subsections may be numbered in the decimal form for e.g. Chapter 2, sections as 2.1, 2.2 etc., and subsections as 2.2.3, 2.5.1 etc.
The chapter must be left or right justified (font size 16). Followed by the title of chapter centered (font size 18), section/subsection numbers along with their headings must be left justified with section number and its heading in font size 16 and subsection and its heading in font size 14. The body or the text of the report should have font size 12.

The figures and tables must be numbered chapter wise for e.g.: Fig. 2.1 Block diagram of a serial binary adder, Table 3.1 Primitive flow table, etc.
The last chapter should contain the summary of the work carried, contributions if any, their utility along with the scope for further work.

Reference OR Bibliography: The references should be numbered serially in the order of their occurrence in the text and their numbers should be indicated within square brackets for e.g. [3]. The section on references should list them in serial order in the following format.
For textbooks – A.V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schafer, Digital Signal Processing, Englewood, N.J., Prentice Hall, 3 Edition, 1975.

For papers – Devid, Insulation design to combat pollution problem, Proc of IEEE, PAS, Vol 71, Aug 1981, pp 1901-1907.
Only SI units are to be used in the report. Important equations must be numbered in decimal form for e.g.
V = IZ ………. (3.2)

All equation numbers should be right justified.

The project report should be brief and include descriptions of work carried out by others only to the minimum extent necessary. Verbatim reproduction of material available elsewhere should be strictly avoided. Where short excerpts from published work are desired to be included, they should be within quotation marks appropriately referenced.

Proper attention is to be paid not only to the technical contents but also to the organization of the report and clarity of the expression. Due care should be taken to avoid spelling and typing errors. The student should note that report-write-up forms the important component in the overall evaluation of the project

Hardware projects must include: the component layout, complete circuit with the component list containing the name of the component, numbers used, etc. and the main component data sheets as Appendix. At the time of report submissions, the students must hand over a copy of these details to the project coordinator and see that they are entered in proper registers maintained in the department.

Software projects must include a virus free disc, containing the software developed by them along with the read me file. Read me file should contain the details of the variables used, salient features of the software and procedure of using them: compiling procedure, details of the computer hardware/software requirements to run the same, etc. If the developed software uses any public domain software downloaded from some site, then the address of the site along with the module name etc. must be included on a separate sheet. It must be properly acknowledged in the acknowledgments.

Sponsored Projects must also satisfy the above requirements along with statement of accounts, bills for the same dully attested by the concerned guides to process further, They must also produce NOC from the concerned guide before taking the internal viva examination.

The reports submitted to the department/guide(s) must be hard bounded, with a plastic covering.
Separator sheets, used if any, between chapters, should be of thin pape

Thursday 14 February 2019

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Design and Analysis of Algorithms: Assignment-1 on Module 1 and Module 2

Module 1:

What is an algorithm? List and explain in brief about its characteristics.

Discuss three techniques to find GCD of two integers in brief.

Discuss the steps involved in "Algorithm design and analysis process" with neat flowchart.

Discuss the "Basic Asymptotic Efficiency Classes".
(constant, logarithmic, linear, linearithmic, quadratic, cubic, exponential, factorial)

What are asymptotic notations? List and discuss with definition, graph and examples.

Write the general pan to find time complexity of non-recursive algorithms.

Write non recursive algorithm for the following problems to find their time complexity.
1. To find largest of 'n' numbers.
2. To check list of array elements for the element uniqueness.
3. To multiply two matrices.
4. To know the number of binary digits in n's binary representation.

Write the general pan to find time complexity of recursive algorithms.

Write recursive algorithm for the following problems to find their time complexity.
1. To find factorial of 'n'.
2. To solve Tower of Hanoi puzzle.
3. To know the number of binary digits in n's binary representation.

What is space complexity?Give example.

Module 2:

1. Discuss 'Divide and Conquer Algorithm Design Technique' with its general plan and example.

2. Write non-recursive algorithm to implement Binary Search technique and find its time complexity.

3. Write recursive algorithm to implement Binary Search technique.

4. Write recursive algorithm to find maximum and minimum from given list of array element A[1-n] and find its time complexity.

5. Discuss 'Merge Sort Technique' with example.

6. Write algorithm to implement 'Merge Sort' and Find its time complexity.

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Important C Programs to be practice for main examination of VTU

Write C programs for the following.

to calculate simple interest.

to find largest of three numbers.

to find area and perimeter of rectangle.

to find area of triangle by reading three sides of it.

to swap two values using temporary variable.

to swap two values without using temporary variable.

to check, whether the number NUM is palindrome or not.

to sort N values using bubble sort technique.

to implement linear search technique.

to implement binary search technique.

to find max and min of N numbers.

to find SUM and AVERAGE of N values.

Calculate area of circle, rectangle and triangle by providing menu options i.e. by using switch.

C program to simulate simple calculator using switch statement.

to find factorial of N

to print multiple table of N

to swap two values using pointers.

to find standard deviation using pointers.

to read and display N students information using arrays of structure.

Module Wise Important Questions to be practice for main examination of VTU: C programming for Problem Solving


Explain the “Structure of a computer” with a neat block diagram.
List and discuss in brief about input devices.
List and discuss in brief about output devices.
Discuss the “Generations of Computers
List and discuss in brief about Types of Computers.
What is Computer Network? List its advantages.
Discuss different "Network Topology" with neat diagrams.
Discuss the structure of C program with programming example.
What are C tokens? List and discuss in brief.
What are data types? List and discuss with range of values supported by them.
What are identifiers? Write rules for defining identifiers with examples for valid and invalid identifiers.
What are formatted I/O functions? Discuss with syntax and examples.
What is an operator? List the different operators supported by C language.
Discuss the following operators with examples.
Arithmetical operators, 
Relational operators, 
Logical operators, 
Increment and Decrement operators, 
Assignment operators,
conditional operator,
bitwise operators and
special operators.
What is precedence and associativity of an operator? Discuss with examples.
What is typeconversion? Discuss the implicit and explicit type conversion with examples.
Convert the following mathematical expressions into C expression.


What are conditional (decision making or selection) statements?List and discuss with syntax, flowchart and programming examples.
simple if
if else
nested if
else if ladder

What are loop statements? List and discuss with syntax, flowchart and programming examples.
do while

What are jump statements? List and discuss with syntax, flowchart and programming examples.


What is one-dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What is two-dimensional array? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

What is string? Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.

Discuss string handling(manipulation) functions with syntax and examples.


What is function?List its advantages.

Discuss the three elements of user defined functions with syntax and examples.

What are actual and formal parameters? Give examples.

Discuss the different categories of functions with programming example for each category.
category 1: Functions with no arguments and no return value.
category 2: Functions with no arguments and  return value.
category 3: Functions with arguments and no return value.
category 4: Functions with arguments and no return value.

Discuss the parameter passing techniques with programming examples.
call by value (pass by value)
call by reference(call/pass by address)

Write function to swap two values. (call by reference)

What is recursive function? Give programming example.

List and discuss storage classes used in C.
automatic or local,


What is structure?Write syntax and examples for defining structures, defining structure variables and initializing structure variables.
Discuss different ways to define structure variables with examples.
What is array of structure?Give programming example.
What is nested structure? Give programming example.
What is typedef?Explain with syntax and examples.
Write C program to read and display N students information (RNo, Name, Total and Grade) using arrays of structure.

What is pointer?Discuss its declaration and initialization with syntax and examples.
What is dynamic memory allocation?Discuss the different memory allocation functions with syntax and examples.

What are preprocessors?List and discuss three types of pre processors with examples.
Macro substitution directives.
File inclusion directives.
Compiler control directives.

Model Question Papers of C programming for Problem Solving by VTU

1. Click on below link to get First Model Question Paper given by VTU
CPS Model Question Paper1

2. Click on below link to get Second Model Question Paper given by VTU
CPS Model Question Paper2

GCD of two numbers and its application...

The greatest common divisor (gcd) of two numbers is the largest positive integer that divides both numbers without leaving a remainder. The ...